Friday, August 5, 2011

A Conversation with Jamie: One Year Ago

Today is a very important day to me.  It was one year ago today that I said goodbye to my friends and co-workers, left my job, and moved out of Charlottesville.  The point of all the upheaval, of course, was to start JA Greetings with Ashley.  It was a difficult decision to leave, but I also had a lot of expectations about how things would turn out.  I wish I could go back in time and talk to myself about realistic expectations.  Here is how that would go:

J.Now:  So, Jamie.  It's your last day in Charlottesville.  How are you feeling?
J.Then:  I'm feeling okay.  It's sad to be leaving, but I'm really excited to get to work on my business.
J.Now:  Oh, yes.  You're "business."  (snide chuckle)  Can you tell me, on a scale of one to ten, how much paperwork that is going involve?
J.Then:  Ummmmm......some?
J.Now:  Ha!  Try, like, a LOT! 
J.Then:  Well, okay, but I can handle it.
J.Now:  Okay, sweetie.  Sure you can. 
J.Then:  Don't call me "sweetie" in that tone of voice!  It's condescending.
J.Now:  Fine.  Sorry.  I just think you're being a little naive.  I mean, sure you've got pluck or whatever, but do you really have any idea what you're doing?
J.Then:  Dude, for serious, your tone is insulting.  And, I have lots of ideas!  I'm smart and innovative and fairly organized, and I have very supportive family and friends.  I'm going to be fine.
J.Now:  I'm glad you have so much faith.  Tell me, do you have a work schedule figured out?  How are you going to stay on track.
J.Then:  I do have a schedule in mind. I'll spend the morning doing administrative work and writing, then I'll meet with Ashley, and then I'll work on embellishing cards and designing jewelry.
J.Now:  That sounds like a very reasonable and responsible plan.  How long do you think that will last?
J.Then:  I think I'll be able to manage it for a while.  Of course, I'll have to adjust it as business picks up or if I get a part-time job.
J.Now:  I'm glad you mentioned the part-time job.  What would you say if I told you that it would be at least nine months before you found a part-time job you could stand?
J.Then:  I'd say at least I have more time to devote to my growing business!
J.Now:  Yeah, you're also not to see much growth in your business.
J.Then:  What do you mean by "not much?"
J.Now:  I mean only friends and family are buying them. 
J.Then:  Oh.  Why?  Are they bad or something?
J.Now:  Nope, they're pretty awesome.  Check this out! 
J.Then:  That is awesome!  So why aren't people buying them?
J.Now:  Who knows?  Market saturation, lack of advertising, bad taste?  Beats me!
J.Then:  Huh.  So what exactly am I doing to fix that?
J.Now:  That is an excellent question!  But rather than answering it, I'm going to ask you this question:  How do you feel about airplanes?
J.Then:  Well, I like to travel, so I guess I'm a fan.
J.Now:  That's good.  Hold onto that feeling.  Just don't focus so much on the actual travel aspect.  That takes money, yo.

Yeah, that's probably how it would go.  Despite J.Now's tone, it really has been a great year.  Thank you so much to everyone who sheltered, clothed, fed, or otherwise supported me and JA Greetings.  I don't know what I would do without you're purchases, tax advise, great ideas, and unending patience.  I love you all!

1 comment:

  1. 1. Can I start calling you 'J.Now'?
    2. I'm sorry I have not exactly been what you would call a 'good' business partner; your cliffhanger post is more accurate than you think.
    3. You are amazing.
    4. Yay, airplanes!
