Friday, April 29, 2011

Common Snobbery

The day of the Royal Wedding has finally arrived!  I know it's actually been over for hours, but I'm just now watching it on TiVo.  It was, like, really early!  Kristen and I made plans to watch the recorded wedding over brunch before meeting Ashley and Jack at the carnival for some Apple Blossom festivities.  Sounds like a great day, right?

I was highly amused that my Facebook newsfeed was almost entirely about the wedding this morning.  I loved reading about how my friends were celebrating and the witty comments about all of the hats.  My amusement turned to irritation when I realized that half of the comments were from angry people condemning and mocking all wedding watchers.  I've read diatribes full of bitter judgment ranging from, "If you watch the Royal Wedding, you're a nihilist who doesn't care about the fate of the world, your country, or your family," to "women are cursed."  I must say, I'm not really sure how a televised wedding is proof of a sexist curse, but I'm offended!

From what I can tell, these complaints are based on one of two main arguments:

1.  It is silly and a bit pathetic to spend your time watching two people you don't know get married.  
2.  There are so many horrible things going on in the world--famine, war, impending economic collapse. You're obviously selfish and self-centered if you would rather spend your time on such frivolous things as weddings when there are so many causes that need your attention.

I would like to address these arguments now.  

1.  No, most people in the world do not personally know William and Catherine.  However, the wedding is a major fashion and pop culture event even if it doesn't hold any personal or historical significance.  Additionally, in a society that increasingly spurns actual interaction, it's nice that an event can bring people together.  Who knows?  Many a friendship could be formed after a Royal Wedding icebreaker conversation!

2.  For serious?  Since when is it a rule that you can only care about one thing?  If you spend two hours watching a movie, does that mean that you are suddenly unable to care about your CAUSES?  Believe it or not, most people are actually able to be socially conscious and have fun occasionally.  Besides, it's actually not healthy to constantly obsess about problems you cannot personally solve.  I think it's great to be informed and volunteer and try to make the world a better place, but taking full responsibility for the world's troubles will drive you crazy.  Oh, and btw, insulting people on Facebook also fails to cure world hunger.  I'm just saying.

In conclusion, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being uninterested in the Royal Wedding.  If you're not interested, then do something else today.  What is really not cool is insulting people who are simply enjoying a few hours of entertainment.

1 comment:

  1. Word. It's apparent that the haters are just jealous of our ability to let our hair down, or festoon it with a fabulous hat, as the case may be.
