Friday, April 8, 2011

Jamie's Hero and Villain of the Week #13

It may be a rainy dreary Friday, but it's still the perfect time for a new installment of Jamie's Hero and Villain of the week!  This week's edition features prehistoric monsters and a little something that's sickeningly sweet.  

Hero of the Week:  Dinosaur Land 
Dinosaur Land is a fantastically kitschy roadside tourist trap down the road from my house.  It is a "prehistoric forest" full of giant fiberglass dinosaurs.  And King Kong.  King Kong is also there for some reason.  Jack is at the age where he thinks dinosaurs are the greatest things ever, so he had to go for his birthday week.  He ran around hugging the dinosaurs' legs and giving the baby dinos high fives.  It was adorable!  Not to mention, I kinda love the cheesy roadside attractions that have absolutely nothing to do with anything around them.  

Villain of the Week:  Pollen
In case you missed the point of yesterday's fairy tale,  I have terrible allergies and have spent most of the week unable to breath.  Yes, pollen is a pretty yellow color.  Yes, bees use it to make delicious honey.  However, yellow washes me out and honey has a lot of calories.  So, all told, I'm not a fan of pollen; it's most defiantly a villain.  

That's all for this week.  Have a great weekend, everyone!

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